Paranormal documentary filmmakers Christopher & Philip Booth exclusive Interview with George Noory, Coast To Coast. Listen Now.

They shot footage in the actual bedroom in St. Louis of the possessed boy, as well as at the asylum where he was held. In EVP recordings they made in the bedroom, they heard Aramaic being spoken, as well as chanting. At the asylum, an EVP was recorded that said "I'm right above you," they detailed. When the boy was at the asylum for epilepsy, one of the workers recounted-- "Yeah, if you want to call it epilepsy, but I've never seen anyone levitate from epilepsy."
There was no 360 degree head turning as depicted in The Exorcist, but the possessed boy emitted a guttural voice in which up to 10 demonic spirits spoke at the same time, according to the diary. The Booths also talked about some of their earlier documentaries, such as The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium. They revealed that at one time in this facility, dead bodies were carried out via underground tunnels, as the staff didn't want patients to know there wasn't a cure for TB.
Paranormal documentary filmmakers Christopher & Philip Booth exclusive Interview with George Noory, Coast To Coast. Listen Now.
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